Soybean is a very important leguminous seed crop; known for its highly valued proteinandoilowingto its use in food, feed and industrial applications. The cultivation of soybean could be of great impactin curbing food insecurity and its improvement could be of great benefit to humanity. Geneticvariability is the basic requirement for crop improvement as it provides wider scopefor selection.Selection of traits through morphological and molecular means increases the frequencyfor favourablealleles which can be explored in breeding programme for any crop. Therefore, studyongeneticvariability among soybean was undertaken to evaluate the genetic variation among someaccessionsofsoybean for effective selection, utilization and improvement. Twenty accessions of soybeanswerecollected from the gene bank of International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), Ibadan.Theaccessions were evaluated for agro- morphological parameters using randomizedcompleteblockdesign (RCBD) with three replicate. Soybean accessions were further evaluated for geneticdiversityusing simple sequence repeat (SSR) marker, pollen parameters was also used tocharacterizetheaccessions. There are significant (P < 0.05) wide ranges of variability observedinallthemorphological characters assessed, with specific accessions being favoured by different trait(s).Accessions TGX–2016-4E recorded the highest plant height (46.17cm), TGX–1485-1Drecordedhighest pod production (216.47) and TGX-2027-1E recorded the highest seed yield per plant (1167.67).Wide variability was also observed for qualitative traits such as leaflet size, leaflet shape, pubescence,pubescence density, pubescence colour, pubescence type, cotyledon colour, corollacolour, seedshattering and mature pod colour. The phenotypic coefficient of variation was higher thanthegenotypic coefficient of variation for all the traits. Moderate to high broad sense heritabilityrangingfrom 32.99 to 95.37 was obtained and the genetic advance as percentage mean ranges from0.16%-58.89%. Most of the accessions exhibit high pollen viability up to 84.60%; except TGX-2010-11F 3 which had 26.70%. Molecular diversity of 11 selected genotypes fromthe initial twentyaccessionsusing simple sequence repeat (SSR) DNA marker generated 150-320 base pair withsixprimers.Genetic similarity among the genotypes varies from 0.17-4.09 with an average gene diversityof0.28.Clustered dendrogram of the 11 genotypes revealed two major clade (TGX- 1987-62FandTGX-2011-6F). The high genetic variability obtained for both morphological and molecular characterizationscoupled with high heritability and genetic advance in most parameters studied indicatethatthegenotypes could be selected for those heritable traits and used as tool for crop improvement.